
I Was Thinking...

First of all I like to thank my God and savior Jesus Christ for his conditional love and for giving me the opportunity to increase my life and my plans of the future.

I was thinking about the time I was falling in love some this days was terrible but in others hands some days was terrific.

Now the situation about the love is very hard for me because every day I m more alone and I don t understand why I can t to be happy.

But Nowadays I talk with special guy he come to my life when I feeling so bad, he lived in another country our relationship is so unusual, cause the best part is talking with him on the phone and in the internet chatting, I feel so strange cause in my life I never been this way. I will try he come to my country again, and I will try…

I don t know what’s the plans god prepared of me but this days this month are very hard I m so sad cause I don’t have luck when I refer about love but this boys chance my bad situation and he increase of me, the reason of I can believe and falling in love again.

The mayority of the case I think that every day increase in my life the reason that I never be happy. The happiness is the position that is impossible in my life exists.

I know all the time I continue alone the loneliness is my faithful friend. I will try I know that I need to fight with this terrible situation that I think…!!!

But I hope to chance!!

This special guy is …in this pictures thinking too!!

Baby i write this cause i know that you don t undertaund spanish thank baby for your words for increase in me another reason to belive in love you know that you are special for me ok! i will try.

1 comentario:

.::Mau::. dijo...

te dejé una tarea en mi blog

hablamos dancer!